English 5013x2 - Thinking About Western Poetics - Winter 2020


384 - 322 BCE

Aristotle's Poetics, or as a pdf.

Jan. 14: Author biography and historical context - Cunningham
Textual Overview - Cunningham
Jan. 16: Textual Overview - Cunningham

100 - 1 BCE

Horace Ars Poetica, or as a pdf.

Jan. 21: Author biography and historical context - VanNorden
Jan. 23: Textual Overview - Foote
Jan. 28: Discussion.

0 - 300 CE

Pseudo-Longinus, On the Sublime, or as a pdf.

Jan. 30: Author biography and historical context - Foote
Feb. 4: Textual Overview - VanNorden
Feb. 6: Discussion.


Sir Philip Sidney Defence of Poesy or as a pdf.

Feb. 11: Author biography and historical context - VanNorden
Feb. 13: Textual Overview - Foote
Reading Week [Feb. 17 - 21]
Feb. 25: Discussion.


Percy Bysshe Shelley Defence of Poetry, or as a pdf.

Feb. 27: Author biography and historical context - Foote
Mar. 3: Textual Overview - VanNorden
Mar. 5: Discussion.


T.S. Eliot Tradition and the Individual Talent.

Mar. 10: Author biography and historical context - VanNorden
Mar. 12: Textual Overview - Foote
Mar. 17: Discussion.


Ezra Pound The ABC of Reading.

Mar. 19: Author biography and historical context - Foote
Mar. 24: Textual Overview - VanNorden
Mar. 26: Discussion.