English 1483.FA03
Fall 2023 - Winter 2024
T/Th 9:30 - 10:50
TA: Abigail Pinsent
Office: BAC 425
Office Hrs: M,W 11:30 - 12:30
Prof: Richard Cunningham
Office: BAC 431
Office Hrs: T,Th 12:25-ish - 2:00

Section 03 is in BAC 135
Section 05 is in BAC 137
English 1483.FA05
Fall 2023 - Winter 2024
T/Th 11:00 - 12:20
Major Assignments

Major Assignments

Failure to submit any assignment (even just one) will result in a grade of F for the course.
  Late submissions will be accepted up to one week after the date due, but will be heavily penalized unless permission is obtained before the date due.

Daily Notes:
  Your memory is not as good as you think it is. Humanity has progressed more in the centuries since the invention of writing than it did in the millenia before then.
  You need to develop the habit of taking notes. You must take notes while you read, but you must also take notes when listening to someone speak. In this course, you should feel free to interrupt the professor if you need to hear something a second time, or if you want it paraphrased or clarified in any way.
  Your reading notes and the notes you take in class will be considered to be part of your daily notes, and on any given class day during the year you may be called on to submit your daily notes. You must then do so. Expect this to happen multiple times during the year. Whether you take notes on paper or on your computer, you'll be expected to submit them before leaving class.
  Penalties for late submission of daily notes will be particularly harsh.

Second paper

Reading Journal

Third paper

Final exam