







How to use this website


The video clips are arranged by topic and then by level of difficulty. "Basic" is the approximate level of difficulty you would be working at in an introductory course, "Intermediate" and "Advanced" would be for second and third-year courses. Feel free to challenge yourself! Note that not all the topics have clips at every level.


Most of the clips at the basic and some at intermediate level have two "Takes". "Take 2" is usually slightly faster than "Take 1" but the scripts are essentially the same. You can see the transcripts for each clip once you have viewed the clip once; minor script changes between takes are indicated in parentheses.


What you can do with the video clips:

- basic listening comprehension: try to listen to the clip at least twice before using the transcript, only if you need to.

- listen and repeat

-use them as dictations: you can stop the clip at any time

- use them for "conversations": listen to the first thing the actor says, stop the clip and give a response, then listen to the response in the clip.


Meet the actors: Clicking on the button on any page will take you to filmed greetings from some of the actors.

  .. © 2005 Anna Saroli