English 2273 - Winter 2005

Hypermedia Project

Bibliographic Format

Due: Wednesday, March 9

Proper documentation is to scholarly communication what hyperlinks are to the web: they link documents together, allowing readers to follow the trail of thought forwards and backwards from a particular document. Like hyperlinks, they have specific components that must be included; and like hyperlinks, if they are not formatted correctly, the link is broken!
Using EndNote, create a "library" of ten sources on your poet and/or poem. Two of these sources should be the web resources from your website evaluation assignment. The other eight can be websites, books or book chapters, theses, conference papers, or journal articles, but be sure to include at least two books and at least two journal articles among those eight. Note that some or all of these items can also serve as the basis for your Annotated Bibliography assignment.
Export the ten citations into a bibliography in MLA style and save it as an .rtf file.
E-mail both the EndNote library (.enl file) and the bibliography (.rtf file) as attachments to erin.patterson@acadiau.ca.
Detailed step-by-step EndNote instructions

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This page last modified February 16, 2005, by Erin Patterson