Hypermedia Project
The hypermedia project should be seen, first of all, as an opportunity to play with new media.

Those who speak to me about their topic before the end of October can compose a hypermedia project on almost any topic. Those who fail to identify a topic before the end of October will have to restrict themselves to composing a project on Book History, Rhetoric, or Hypermedia itself.

Remember the W3Consortium definition of hyperMedia. It is hypertext that is not constrained to text. Hypermedia also includes graphics, video, and / or sound, so I will expect your electronic submission to be more than simply a digital essay.

As we will investigate during the section on hypermedia, some people speculate that hypertext enables new modes of thought, not merely new modes of expressing thoughts. I encourage you to play with this idea by starting to compose your project early enough that the composition process has an opportunity to influence your thinking on whatever topic you choose to work on.

You are welcome to collaborate on your hypermedia project with a partner, or as part of a group. In early print shops it took more than one person to create a book; in our early hypermedia environment it is arguably more reasonable to work together than separately.
Your project is due for submission to the Acadia Humanities HyperMedia Archive (AhHa!) no later than Friday, November 18, 2005.
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This page authored by
Dr. R. Cunningham.
August, 2005.