English 2273 - Winter 2005

Hypermedia Project

Database Searching

Due: Monday, March 7

One of the most difficult research skills for students to acquire is accessing scholarly journal literature. This assignment will give you practice in searching a literature database, interpreting citations, and locating items held by the library, whether online or in print.
Using the MLA International Bibliography and the library catalogue, find five journal articles on your poet and/or poem.
Step one: Set limits in MLA so that you will retrieve only journal articles in English.
Step two: Search for articles on your topic, using the "Search History" to combine searches as necessary.
Step three: Mark five articles of interest and e-mail them to yourself.
Step four: Load your Search History using 2273@acadiau.ca as the "Personal User Name" and 2273 as the password. Name the search history with your full name and leave the expiration date at the default.
Step five: Open the e-mail you sent to yourself and check the library catalogue to see if we have these five items. Remember, when searching the library catalogue to see if we have certain journal articles, you have to check for the titles of the journals -- NOT the titles or authors of the articles! If we have the journals, you will have to figure out whether we have the exact issues that contain the articles.
Step six: Edit your e-mail to yourself, indicating whether each item is in the library or not and, if it IS in the library, whether we have it in print or online (or both). Forward the edited e-mail to erin.patterson@acadiau.ca on or before the assignment due date.

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This page last modified February 16, 2005, by Erin Patterson