English 2273 - Winter 2005

Hypermedia Project


Due: Monday, February 14, 2005

The most relevant definition of "explication" offered by the Oxford English Dictionary the fifth definition, which holds that an explication is "the action or process of removing difficulty or obscurity from, or making clear the meaning of (a word, statement, symbol, etc.). Also, that which effects this; an explanation, interpretation"  (Electronic [2nd; 1989] edition, accessed December 28, 2004).
In The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism Mary Ann Caws defines explication de texte as "the careful unfolding in great detail of the meaning seen to be, precisely, contained in and coextensive with the form of the text" (Electronic [1997] edition, accessed December 28, 2004).
The more thoroughly you render your poem in hypertext, the easier you will find the task of writing your explication.  The notes you provide your reader as accompaniment to the hypertext edition will provide you with the raw material for your explication, which, in its turn, will be composed in well-formed sentences and paragraphs.  Nb: just as the hypertext edition will provide you material for your explication, so the explication will provide you material for your essay.

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This page last modified December 28, 2004, by Richard Cunningham