English 2273 - Winter 2005

Hypermedia Project


Due: Wednesday, April 6

For this essay, you are free to write on any topic concerning your author and her or his poetry. 
By the time you start working on it, you will have already done a lot of work, in the form of your hypertext edition, your explication, your biography, and your annotated bibliography, that can be applied to the composition of a solid piece of scholarship, and that is what you will be expected to produce.  While preparing any one of the earlier elements of the hypermedia project you may well become aware of a theme that interests you that runs throughout the author's work, or that is prominent in the poem, or that figures somehow in the author's life.  Investigating such a theme would be an excellent choice of topic for your essay.
You are also welcome to write on a topic that has come up (perhaps repeatedly, perhaps not) in English 2273 (e.g. religion, God, gender issues, ars poetica, love, duty, sense of place) relative to more than just your own poet, but you will be expected to write your own poet into the paper even if the essay's focus is not something specific to that poet or that poet's work.
As with all submissions for 2273, the essay will be an electronic submission.
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This page last modified February 16, 2005, by Richard Cunningham