
You need to attend class because the rest of us need to hear from you. When you miss class, your ideas, your comments, your understanding and your misunderstanding are not available to the rest of the class, and as a result everyone's experience of the day's text(s) is diminished. Thus, it is crucial that you attend, and that you have done the reading, every day.

Your mark for attendance is worth 5% of your final grade. It will be calculated according to this simple formula:

If you miss two or fewer classes during the entire term, you will get 5 of the possible 5 marks for attendance.

If you miss three classes during the term, you will get 3 of the 5 marks.

If you miss more than 3 classes, you will get 0 of the 5 possible marks for attendance.

In cases of catastrophic illness, the professor reserves the right to hold these rules in abeyance.

If you know you will need to miss classes for a sporting, family, or cultural event, plan in advance and refrain from missing classes at other times during the term.

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